Constant Appaloosas
Constant Appaloosas
Training for People and Horses

Dragon Horsemanship Club

Based at constant Appaloosas – Dragon Horsemanship Club has club days once per month on a Saturday or Sunday. All the facilities here are available with free coaching from Tim for the day for members and saddle/tack/clothing and chiropractic advice from Janette. Membership fee details are attached but membership for the remainder of this year 2014 will be free. At just £10 for riders or £2 for spectators per day, our Club Days are an affordable and enjoyable way of learning more about western riding and a great social opportunity to meet with other western riding enthusiasts.
club days are from 11am – 3.00 pm
Club day- Saddle fitting with Dave Turner of The Reining Authority

Future events will be fun and practice shows, clinics with a variety of clinicians as well as talks and lectures Check out our new facebook page at:
Club Objectives
1. To promote the sport of western riding and increase the number of riders.
2. To provide coaching and riding opportunities for local riders.
3. To provide clinics and shows for all levels of rider in a supportive and unintimidating atmosphere.
4. To provide social and non riding events such as demonstrations, lectures, etc.
5. To provide regular communication with its members via website, email correspondence and Facebook.
6. To publicise the sport through press and other organisations.
7. To affiliate to British Reining as the member body of the British Equestrian Federation.
Tim Keeley on 01824 750 463 or 07900 195 193
Karen Roberts on 01745 812 939 or 07502 168 268